Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Day Home

My mom is a Saint!The first week after Lizzy was born we spent at my parents house. She took Lizzy  during the night and brought her to me when she needed to eat. My dad is awesome! He played with Eli during the day, keeping him busy and entertained. Which isn't easy. Eli is a very active boy. When it was time to go back home my parents came home with me  and stayed while I got unpacked, did laundry, and got organized. Then I was on my own for the first time on Wednesday. Dan went to work at 8. He stopped by real quick in the morning to grab something and then real quick to get the computer in the afternoon. After work he had two meetings with clients and then went straight to bishopric meetings. So it was me and the kids all day. It was a pretty good day, we were all alive at the end which is a plus in  my book.
Because Miss Lizzy was born in August, we got to deal with the hot days. To combat this we open the windows at night which make for cool mornings. So Lizzy went to bed with hats on. 

Our sweet angle

Eli had so much fun staying and playing with Grandpa. One of the days Eli helped Grandpa mow the lawn. Once Eli finally sat down as wasn't in constant motion he fell asleep. To show how tired he was, Grandpa brought him in the house and sat down with him and Eli never woke up. 
Home Sweet Home
Eli loves putting other people's shoes on and wearing them. Here he has my mom's shoes on. 

He loves pushing this dump truck around. He looked so cute, with shoes that were too big, running around. 
Eli loves laying next to Lizzy. Although, as soon as I got the camera out he wouldn't hold still. And yes, Lizzy is wearing boy pajama's. I lost her cute girl ones so I put her in Eli's. My mom did make her some pink pajama's and I eventually found the lost ones so she didn't look like a boy for too long. 

1 comment:

mom said...

Bet Gpa had a nap, too.