Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nothing's Too Hard...

"I want, want want, what I want, want, want, and this is how I get it...I take, take take what I take, take, take...and I never let it!" I came across this link and it made me smile, I'm sure it will do the same for my siblings.


Kate said...

Hehe. No thanks, I've got the CD's. Actually, I lost one, so I have 2 of mom's cassettes too. My kids like em, I should think about getting more. They drive Darin CRAZY so that's even more of a bonus. ;)

mom said...

Oh my gosh did the memories just come rushing back and put a smile on my face. The 5 of you are in the van as we travel to G/G B's singing along with all the songs. Makes me want to buy a set to listen to as we're on the road visiting everyone next week.
Sorry to Darin. He's missing out on a great teaching tool for his kiddos-so go ahead and drive him crazy.
By the way, Dan, I even listened to all the little ditties that were available on the site-what fun.Anyone seeing this 57 y/o woman grinning at her computer would have thought she was crazy. Then again, she probably is. Thanks for the memories.

Missy said...

LOVE IT! I want them for Trin, oh how it would bug the crap out of Curtis. Maybe I should get them anyhow, Curtis needs a little education!

Dan said...

I'm glad you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Jess was even able to sing along at parts as well. I'm sure we can come up with a way for us all to have them... :)

Kate said...

They're not that expensive, I think $16 or so for the set of 3 CD's that contains all 6 tapes.

Keri said...

We have them too! I guess it's a Kenneth Bruderer family thing. Tyler couldn't believe I knew all the songs. And my kids thought I was crazy too for singing it all and saying it word for word.

Dave said...

Do you guys remember:


The Scripture Scouts rock!

I was talking about the Scripture Scouts a few weeks ago and Patricia told me that she had never heard of them. How can all of our spouses either despise and/or have never heard of the Scripture Scouts??? Apparently we were blessed with a super-awesome mom who found cool ways for us to learn about the gospel and not kill each other on a loooong road trip. Thanks Mom!!!

Dan said...

Yay for mom, and scripture scouts, and car trips!

mom said...

You are all welcome. We do have some neat memories of all of the above.